Have you ever wished you could just live under a palm tree with no stress, lots of social gatherings on the beach and have time to spare?  Join the club!

Barefoot Beach Club members come from all walks of life and all across the US from California to Florida.  We range in age from 21 through retirement.  The main things we have in common are loving the tropics, listening to Caribbean or Trop Rock music and giving back to our communities.

The Barefoot Beach Club is not a part of any larger organization.  We don't send off dues to someone else who gives us our rules.  We decide what we are going to do as well as where and when it will happen.  The biggest goal we have is to make certain our events are fun for everyone.

Take a chance, go to our events page and see what we have coming up.  Join us at our next social or service event and see if we are as fun as we think we are!  

Find us on facebook!